CancerInfo Center
Monitoring Cancer Treatment Faster
Meeting the demand for cancer treatment results, an imaging technology has been adapted to monitor the success of chemotherapy in patients with cancer of the head and neck.
Is Birthwort bad for the Kidney?
People have used herbal remedies for thousands of years to treat illness, lose weight, and boost their health in general. The effectiveness of many of these remedies remains unclear. Some may even be harmful.
Blocking the Pathway to Pancreatic Cancer
Bet you didn't know that heart disease and pancreatic cancer have something in common. Indeed they do - they share a link with genetic pathways that control both cholesterol and a system by which cells communicate - the Hedgehog pathway.
Possible new Lung Cancer Chemo Combo
Scientists continue to search for next-step treatment options for people living with lung cancer. A combination of chemotherapy agents may be an alternative for some folks.
Testing not Conserved After Conserving Surgery
Treating d uctal carcinoma in situ ( DCIS ), which is early breast cancer, usually involves breast conserving surgery (lumpectomy).
Inflammation and Cancer
The link between inflammation and cancer has been used to advertise everything from fish oil to aspirin, but the science behind it can be murky. Some new research may show the mechanism behind the link.
Stomach Cancer Genes Identified
Cheap computing power allows even bigger fishing expeditions looking for relationships between your genes and cancer. Finding unknown cellular pathways may hold the answer to therapies of the future.
Longer Drug Treatments for GI Cancer?
Newly published studies have begun to emphasize the effectiveness of combining several types of treatment for the best success in cancer therapy. This includes patients with gastrointestinal stromal cancers (GIST).
Dental X-rays Increase Brain Cancer Risks
X-rays are a common part of ongoing dental care. You've probably had more than one of them. And while helpful for visualizing the structure of your teeth, dental x-rays can be dangerous, according to new research.
Predicting Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness
Genetic defects - mutations, rearrangements, too many copies, etc. - play a role in the development of cancer. Finding these faulty genes can predict risk. Recent research takes risk prediction a step further.