CancerInfo Center

Systemic Treatment of Liver Cancer
While no systemic treatment currently exists for liver cancer ( hepatocellular carcinoma), a series of experiments in rats has identified viable target worthy of further investigation. A gene called   LSF (Late SV40 Factor) may be a target in liver cancer that drugs could be developed to target and wipe out. Ask your oncologist about isoquinolinone therapy. Every cancer has a series of common mutations that predispose the transformation from normal cell to cancer. These genes are called oncogenes . Some cancers have a unique profile with specific oncogenes for that cancer, or m...
Advanced Melanoma may Soon Meet its Match
Melanoma, or the cancerous transformation of a mole, can be treated when caught early. Unfortunately, not all melanomas are visible, and those appearing underneath a fingernail or inside the mouth may escape notice until it's too late.
Destroying Brain Cancer with a Virus
For a patient with recurring glioma (a type of brain cancer) who has already had surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy, few options remain. That may be about to change thanks to a virus.
Eradicating Some Advanced Head and Neck Cancers
Every type of cancer has different characteristics, and routine studies constantly attempt to find the best treatment for a given group of patients. A recent study shows evidence that combination therapy may be best for some cancer patients.
A Cancer Paradigm Shift
Cancer is an ever-changing biological process, and how it behaves is as unique as the body it invades. Researchers have found with one particularly nasty form of breast cancer, patients actually feed their own cancer cells.
Saving Thousands of Butts
Cigarette tobacco slowly maims and kills. That message is getting through, unfiltered, loud and clear. The result is that thousands of lives have been saved.
Cancer Supply Side Economics
Cancer tumors survive and grow in part because of a network of blood vessels they build. This is called angiogenesis . Scientists can't fully explain the process, but are beginning to understand its origins. Previously, a series of experimental results published from New York and Italy showed evidence that the blood vessel growth in the brain cancer glioblastoma was cancer-based growth, rather than normal blood vessels growing to feed tumors. Angiogenesis inhibitors such as Avastin ( bevacizumab ) would only be effective against normal blood vessels, and researchers believed that t...
Putting the Brakes on Bladder Cancer
As with any malignancy, once bladder cancer starts to travel to other parts of the body, an individual's chances of outliving it are diminished. So, preventing that spread is a major objective of research.
Head & Neck Cancer Aggressive in Transplant Patients
Generally, cancers found in and around the throat are associated with a history of smoking or drinking. However, an aggressive form of this cancer shows up in some organ transplant patients who are taking drugs to prevent organ rejection.
One Neck of a Gene
Drinking too much alcohol, smoking too much tobacco and now being infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV) are known risk factors for throat cancer. A newly identified gene also plays a role.