CancerInfo Center

Insights into Early Childhood Leukemia
A project to sequence genetic mutations in a particularly aggressive form of childhood leukemia developed a list of common mutations - the first step in developing adequate pharmaceutical targeted therapy.
Breathing Diesel Fumes can Take Your Breath Away
Nothing very appealing about taking whiffs of truck exhaust. The exposure isn't just unappealing, though. It may be deadly.
Glow-in-the-Dark for Monitoring Throat Cancer
For some types of cancer, particularly malignancies of the throat, there is a period of time before the cancer is fully developed where it could go either way. New ways of monitoring these precancerous areas to catch cancer earlier are under development.
Molecular Way to Control Pancreatic Cancer
Cancer can be thought of as a series of tiny molecular mistakes adding up until the situation is out of control. New research has detailed the specifics of the process occurring in pancreatic cancer.
Do Contraceptives Increase Your Cancer Risks?
You're taking the pill, or maybe you've tried one of the injectable contraceptives. Now you hear something about an association between birth control and cancer and you start to freak. No need to.
Dealing With the Fear of What Comes Next
Fear and anxiety of what lies ahead can be overwhelming for folks who have just learned they have lung cancer. They may not know where to turn for comfort and support, and a nurse might be just who they're looking for.
Childless After Childhood Cancer
Children who have experienced cancer are living longer than ever. Researchers are now able to look at the long-term effects of cancer and cancer therapies. This news is not always welcome.
Some HRT Reduces Breast Cancer Risks
What's a girl to do when the flow stops and menopause rages? Is she to take hormone replacement therapy ( HRT ), or avoid it all costs because everyone knows it causes breast cancer - right? Not so fast there, lady.
A Vast Horizon - Cancer Vaccines
In 2010, the first cancer vaccine - Provenge ( sipuleucel-T ) - was approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to treat metastatic prostate cancer. This type of treatment as spawned an entire new field.
At Last - Possible Therapy for Lymphedema
About one in five women has painful swelling following breast cancer surgery. There are currently only limited options for dealing with this condition - lymphedema - but that may be about to change.