CancerInfo Center

Radium-223 Best for Advanced Prostate Cancer
One of the forms of prostate cancer that no longer responds to treatment is referred to as castration-resistant prostate cancer ( CRPC ). Even when testosterone levels are reduced, this cancer continues to progress.
Double Punch Urged for Lung Cancer
Non-small cell lung cancer ( NSCLC ) is a tough one, but r esearchers have found a new target for treating this disease. When added to other therapies, the combination might just deliver a knock-out punch.
Size Matters in Prostate Cancer
A man's prostate has been described as a walnut-shaped gland. And as with everything else in a man's reproductive system, prostates come in all sizes. New research shows that size may matter in terms of predicting prostate cancer aggressiveness.
Transplants and Implants for Breast Reconstruction
Women who have had a mastectomy for their breast cancer treatment, have several options when it comes to reconstructive surgery. When they have received radiation as part of their treatment, the dynamics change somewhat.
Chemo That's Head and Neck Over Cancer
Doctors are always trying to find a competitive edge on any cancer, and finding new uses for current drugs is a common practice.
Could Aspirin Help Stop Cervical Cancer?
A new report recommends that researchers test whether aspirin might be able to help stop cervical cancer from developing in women with HIV.
New Shots at Treating Breast Cancer
Imagine you've been diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer, but instead of chemotherapy, you're given four shots. This Twilight Zone-sounding scenario is on the horizon.
Intriguing Bullseye for Brain Cancer
The most common cancerous brain tumor is also among the most aggressive cancers. Current therapies usually don't treat g lioblastoma multiforme . So new treatment answers are desperately needed.
Telling Cancer Cells to Knock it Off
Creating a drug to use only against cancer cells is a bit like using a lock and key. In order to make a key, you need a mold.
Breast Conserving Surgeries not so Conservative
Partial mastectomies, also known as lumpectomies and breast-conserving therapy, are popular surgical choices for women with early stage breast cancers. A good chunk of these women, though, will go under the knife again.