CancerInfo Center
Brachy-therapy Helps Prostate Cancer Patients
A crucial part of medical science is continually reviewing the data to make sure the current gold standard is really the best treatment. Many changes in policy have taken place after simple data analysis.
Get Off and Stay Off the Cancer Couch
If you've lived with cancer, you know it zaps your energy. It's easy to hit the couch and stay there. But you do so at the peril of your health and well-being. Get up and get moving to keep moving beyond cancer!
Extending Lives of Men With Prostate Cancer
Usually, drug companies are the organizations that discover new medicines. It's rare for drugs to come out of academic labs, but that's just what happened with the first medication found to be effective against advanced prostate cancer.
Improving Cancer Screenings Time and Again
Okay, having tubes inserted where the sun doesn't shine is no fun. Still colorectal cancer screenings are essential. New studies show one method gets the job done.
Coffee, Tea, Estrogen
Most women need a jolt of caffeine in the morning or afternoon. According to new research, that cuppa joe or can of soda may influence your estrogen levels.
Inhaling Kidney Cancer Risks
Lung cancer. Cardiovascular disease. Oral cancer. These are just a few of the accelerated risks smokers live with and could - well you know. Another form of cancer has been added to the list.
Predicting Cancer Aggressiveness
Being told you have cancer is definitely a shock. But sometimes it's more shocking to find out that not all cancers are created equal.
How Grape Seed Extract Devours Cancer
Head and neck cancers are one of the forms of the disease that are increasing. Recent studies have shown that nature may have an excellent treatment for these cancers.
Brain Scans Beat Biopsy Any Day
An old saying in the operating room is "Once the air hits your brain, you're never the same." Despite the risks, taking a biopsy from a brain tumor is a necessary procedure. But, a new brain scan could change cancer diagnosis entirely.
Restraining Brain Cancer Resistance
All of the drugs used to treat glioblastoma , an aggressive form of brain cancer, tend to use the same method of attack on a highly resistant point. Traditionally this has not gone very well.