CancerInfo Center
Living Longer with Oral Cancer
Rarely seen in the United States, nasopharyngeal carcinoma appears mostly in Southern China and Southeast Asia. Medical researchers have found a new and better method of treating this disease that substantially improves survival.
Get Your Stem Cell Tune Up
As a patient gets older, the number of treatments available becomes limited. Luckily for older patients with blood cancers, age is not a factor in getting a stem cell transplant.
Cancer Patients Support Each Other Through Facebook Community
Talking to a doctor about cancer, its treatment and aftermath offers a detached point of view because the physician usually doesn't have first-hand knowledge. But interacting with fellow patients can be enormously helpful and supportive.
Airport X-ray Scanners Cause Cancer Concern
Airport X-ray scanners have been a hotbed of controversy in terms of personal privacy. It turns out that the U.S. Government neglected to evaluate cancer risks of these scanners.
Detecting Melanoma Sooner
Detecting melanoma is still something of an art. While imaging technology exists, dermatologists most often rely on visual cues to assess if a mole or lesion appears to be cancerous. A new device is about to change that.
A Fishy Way to Reduce Prostate Cancer
Eating right and following a proper diet are smart strategies for good health. For men, a low-fat and fish oil diet may decrease prostate cancer risk.
Organ Transplants Increase Risk of Cancer
Organ transplants have saved many lives over the years. Unfortunately, organ transplants are linked to an increased risk in developing many types of cancer.
Fat Cells are Like Jet Fuel to Cancer
Ovarian cancer cells thrive on a high-fat diet. These crazies love to feed off the fat cells and when they do, the results can be swift and deadly.
Stay lean to fight off cancer.
Researchers have discovered that cells in the fatty tissues of the abdomen provide just the right nutrients to help ovarian cancer spread like wildfire.
The large pad of fatty tissue that starts at the stomach and covers the intestines is known as the omentum. In the vast majority of cases (80 percent), by the time ovarian cancer is even diagnosed, it has already spread to the omentum. This cancer tends...
Drinking Ups Breast Cancer Risks
Drinking small to moderate amounts of alcohol is considered healthy for your heart and your mind and the aging process. Yet this mild drinking increases breast cancer risks, according to a new study.
Chemo Gets Predictable
Chemotherapy has worked for many patients suffering from cancer, but just how it worked was uncertain. A new way to profile cancer cells has given scientists a way to predict how successful chemo can be.