CancerInfo Center
Beware - Be Aware - of Breast Changes
With all the controversy about mammogram screenings, one of the most important tools a woman has in the detection of breast cancer isn't receiving the attention it needs. Breast self-exams are still vitally important for all women.
"The Lance Armstrong Effect"
Why do 70 out of a 100 men with testicular cancer beat the disease, while only 6 in 100 people with pancreatic cancer live five years after diagnosis? Researchers have a new theory that could impact how all cancers are treated.
Hope for Even the Toughest Cancer Cases
Whether the cancer begins in the liver or spreads there, these tumors are among the toughest to treat. A new therapy offers comfort to patients struggling with the disease.
Can You Hear Me Now
Using a cell phone is an every day, common practice. The possible health risks, including cancer, may be scary but also untrue.
Obesity Leads to Younger Breast Cancer
A woman's weight influences her susceptibility to a number of diseases, including breast cancer. New research shows that body type and the age a woman starts her period are particularly important risk factors for younger women being diagnosed with the disease.
Cervical Cancer Screening Update
It's difficult to keep up with the ever-changing world of cervical cancer screening guidelines. New recommendations have been drafted and are now available for review.
Radiotherapy After Lumpectomies Works
If you're diagnosed with breast cancer and have a lumpectomy, radiation following surgery is your best bet. Why? Because it could well save your life.
False Positives Usually Just False Alarms
There's nothing quite so frightening as being called back for another test following a mammogram. A new study shows that repeat screenings are not only common, but usually nothing to worry about.
Diabetics Are Survivors
Usually a pre-existing condition does not improve chances for survival. For lung cancer and diabetes, that may not be the case.
The Dysfunctional Side of Colon Cancer
You should know about all the possible risks and benefits of any medical procedure you have. Men undergoing treatment for colon cancer aren't getting the information they need.