Mens HealthInfo Center

No Escaping Cell Phone Radiation
Who among us can live without being connected to cell phones in this day and age? Recent studies around the world lend credence to limiting use of cells phones because the radiation is bad news for brain repair, DNA breakage and sperm cell count.
One Brisk Step at a Time
Brisk walking is a good aerobic activity for anyone. It's now known to be particularly healthful for newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients.
Former Teammate Accuses Lance Armstrong of "Doping"
Olympic gold medalist, Tyler Hamilton, says he took performance-enhancing drugs with his teammate and seven-time Tour de France winner, Lance Armstrong.
Younger Men Benefit From Surgery
New research has suggested that older men diagnosed with prostate cancer may not need any treatment. Now, a 15-year study shows that surgery is the best option for men under the age of 65.
Important Erectile Dysfunction Launch
With discretion, mint-flavor and convenience as its 3 middle names, a new form of Levitra is now available in the UK.
Frustrating Side Effects From Avodart, Propecia
Recent reports have found using 5 alpha reductase inhibitors ( Propecia and Avodart ) to treat male hair loss can experience persistent erectile dysfunction (ED), loss of libido, and depression.
Dietary Fats and Prostate Health
You can't turn around without hearing praise for the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. Likewise, trans-fatty acids are considered one of the most unhealthful substances we can eat. Well, hold your horses - when it comes to prostate health, all that's wrong!
Ibuprofen May Cause Erectile Dysfunction
Mae West probably wasn't the first to notice "It's not the man in your life but the life in your man," but she certainly said it best. If you've been taking ibuprofen three times a day for over three months, you may want to lay off the ibuprofen.
Some Prostate Cancers Don't Need to be Treated
Men aged 65 and older who are diagnosed with a low-risk form of prostate cancer don't need to jump right into treatment. Delaying surgery and radiation doesn't pose added risk of death as long as the cancer is closely monitored.
New Test Detects Prostate Cancer More Accurately
A large clinical trial has demonstrated a new screening for prostate cancer that's more accurate than the tests currently available. In research conducted by Northwestern Medicine, the new PSA test reduced the number of false positives and pinpointed prostate cancer more precisely, particularly the aggressive form of the disease.