Mens HealthInfo Center
What's in an Overactive Bladder?
As a man grows older, it is not uncommon for his prostate to grow. An enlarged prostate can cause urinary problems, including overactive bladder. Recent research findings show how an enlarged prostate leads to overactive bladder.
Under What Knife?
A new, less invasive treatment - called prostatic artery embolization - may replace the most common way doctors treat men with an enlarged prostate, or benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Erectile Dysfunction and Depression Side Effects
Long-lasting sexual and mental health complications may be caused by class of commonly used drugs found in hair loss medications and the treatment of urinary problems in men with an enlarged prostate. Complications can lead to erectile dysfunction, depression, and a reduced sex drive.
Some of Us Really Have to Work at Sleep
Unemployment can affect your health in so many ways, including your ability to sleep, according to a recent analysis by the Economic and Social Research Council.
Change May Be Depressing for Men
As the economic and social environments of Western countries are changing, psychiatrists predict a shift in the condition of men's mental health, and it's not for the better.
Paternal Cancer May Influence Congenital Birth Abnormalities
A new study finds offspring from male cancer survivors face a slight increase in major congenital birth abnormalities compared to offspring from fathers with no history of cancer.
Size Matters
The American Urological Association has updated its guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as an enlarged prostate.
Why Winning is Manly
Wrestlers who win their matches have a greater increase in testosterone compared to their losing counterparts, according to a new study.
Equal Protection
A study funded by HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine maker, Merck & Co., finds the HPV vaccine Gardasil® protects boys as well as girls against the virus.
Certain Prostate Cancer Tumors More Likely to Metastasize
Certain prostate tumors have the potential to become metastatic if not treated aggressively, according to new research from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.