Mens HealthInfo Center
Cancer Care Barriers
Latino men don’t get the prostate cancer care they need for a variety of reasons, and it’s not just about the cost. A new study has summarized those barriers.
Prostate Cancer Patients Keep Sexual Function
Prostate cancer patients have different treatment options nowadays. Most men probably want treatments that won't harm their overall health or sex life.
Can Sitting Give You Diabetes?
Are you sitting too much these days? This type of inactivity increases the risk of developing chronic and potentially deadly diseases. Try taking a walk today.
ED Rx For Treating Sexual Issues
Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects about 30 million men in the United States. Even if men don't have ED, they can still have sexual problems. And they may be reluctant to seek treatment for sex problems until they experience ED.
For Erectile Dysfunction, Men Are Slow To Seek Help
Men can look up how to fix their erectile dysfunction themselves and maybe even find the drugs to take care of it. But that may not be the best approach.
Giving Men a Break
Being treated for prostate cancer can be grueling. The side effects of therapy used to block hormones that feed the cancer definitely impact a man’s quality of life. Some relief is in sight, though.
Huh? Exercise Does & Doesn't Affect Cancer Risks
Sometimes genetics just aren’t fair. Exercise helps everybody. When it comes to reducing prostate cancer risks, though, there’s good news for some men, but not so much for others.
Extra Calcium May Harden a Man’s Heart
Older people may take calcium supplements to improve bone health. For men, however, downing large doses of this nutrient may increase the chances of getting heart disease.
Couch Potatoes' Sperm Counts Lower
While you're lazily flipping channels on the remote, your sperm may be lazing about as well. But get up and exercise, and your sperm may get up and going too.
New Type of Radiation Shortens Treatment Time
Radiation therapy is commonly used to treat prostate cancer. Some forms of this therapy can be quite time-consuming, requiring 20 to 40 daily visits. A new type of radiation can reduce that time and possibly improve treatment effectiveness.