Mens HealthInfo Center

Downside for Men Taking Daily Pain Rx
An estimated 43 million Americans use pain medicine on a daily basis. Men taking daily doses of pain medicine may experience an unwanted side effect: low testosterone. 
Treat Sleep Apnea For Better Sex
Treating sleep apnea can make for a better night's sleep. The same apnea treatment can make for better sex too. 
ED Signals Need For Heart Check
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common problem, especially for men over 40. For some men, ED is a red flag for heart problems. As such, men with ED may need to keep a closer watch on their heart health.
PTSD May Produce Sexual Health Issues
Veterans returning from combat can find it hard to adjust to their old lives. Many Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have experienced traumatic events, which can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression.
ED Rx Okay While Treating Kidney Failure
Men with end-stage renal disease can be successfully treated with dialysis and transplants. But their quality of life may be interrupted by erectile dysfunction (ED). 
Deadly Zip Codes
Where someone lives has an impact on their health. Everything from air pollution to healthcare access affects a person’s health, well-being and likelihood of dying. This appears to be true with regards to lung cancer deaths.
Stay Fit and Trim to Avoid ED
For men, the "golden years" may present some unfortunate obstacles to having sex. Maintaining a healthy weight could keep their sex lives from taking a dive. 
Trouble Ahead, No Matter the Cancer Treatment
Surgery and radiation therapy are common ways to treat prostate cancer. In the long run, however, men experience the same declines in bodily functions, regardless of the treatment they receive.
Deep-Fried Cancer Risks
Who doesn’t love French fries, fried chicken and doughnuts? And who doesn’t know that fried delicacies are not the best choice for your health? Well, the news isn't getting any better. These foods are now associated with increased risks of yet another cancer.
Prostate Therapy May Be Bad to the Bone
Some prostate cancer patients who are unable to have surgery or radiation treatment may turn to hormone therapy for treatment. However, hormone therapy may increase the chance of bone fracture.