Mental HealthInfo Center
The Drag Towards Rheumatoid Arthritis
Some women find it cool just to hold a cigarette. But smoking them could be tied to pain in those hands and in other joints later on.
Ok With Pain, But Not With Gain
Exercise is important for health, but over-exercise may be a symptom of a deeper problem. Those with eating disorders that also over-exercise may be battling deeper troubles.
Sleeping with a Baby on the Way
Difficulty sleeping is a common problem during pregnancy. Women often report being unable to sleep comfortably. However, how pregnant women sleep might affect their babies.
Race Matters with Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a serious condition that requires treatment regardless of a person's age, sex or race. However, the severity of the disorder can vary among people with different backgrounds.
Unhealthy Cocktail After Stomach Surgery
When the weight won't come off, patients can consider surgery on their stomachs to shed the pounds. Though surgery can be helpful in losing weight, one procedure might have more risks than others when it comes to drinking alcohol.
Boston Disaster Distress Helpline Now Open
The Boston Marathon bombing was as disturbing as it was senseless. These horrible events are hard to make sense of and can cause lasting emotional turmoil. Counseling is just a free phone call away.
Swap Smokes for Healthier Teeth & Gums
A good time to promote oral hygiene may pop up when a person is ready to quit smoking. Tobacco counselors can prompt their patients: out with the smoking, in with the flossing and brushing.
Go Ahead, Have The Alcohol Talk
Parents may feel like their teenagers don’t listen. But when it comes to talking to teens about dangerous drinking, parents can make a real impact.
How Kids Learn To Smoke
Most people start smoking before they turn 18. Researchers have been trying to pin down when, why and how teens start smoking so they can create ways to stop it from happening.
Facing the Pain in Fear of Addiction
In the United States, there is a common fear that taking pain medications for a long period of time could lead to addiction. And this fear may extend beyond those taking medications for chronic pain.