Mental HealthInfo Center

Teens Shed Extra Pounds with Extra Sleep
Most groggy teens drag themselves to school by 7:30 most morning. This is a familiar sight to both parents and teachers. Everyone knows that insufficient sleep is common for teens, but few understand that it can also be the source of weight issues.
Can Secondhand Smoke Hurt Kids' Kidneys?
Smoking can do more than damage your lungs and give you bad breath. It's also linked to kidney disease in adults – and possibly in children as well.
Mind and Body Power For Older Adults
The power of the mind can do a number on the body. When elderly adults keep the body sharp as well, the brain can stay at its best.
Smoking Cessation Meds: Take Two
Quitting smoking can be tough, but it simply has to be done. Researchers keep looking at ways to help people quit for good, even if there are side effects involved.
Blood Test May Predict Lung Cancer Risk
Finding lung cancer at its earliest stages, when there is still the chance of a cure, is a problem. Regular CT scans can detect such cancers in older smokers who’ve smoked the equivalent of a pack a day for 30 years.
Brush it Off Today for a Better Future
Daily stressors are often unavoidable, but how they are handled is up to each and every person. How a person manages stress today may play a role in how he or she feels down the road.
Less Mood Disorder, More Psychosis
Not every mental health disorder fits easily into a category. Some slide on a scale between two well-defined disorders.
Smoking Away a Healthy Smile
Of course good oral hygiene is key in preventing tooth loss, but other lifestyle factors are important too. Healthy teeth may reflect healthy lifestyle choices.
Following the Rx to the Letter – or Not
Patients may not always follow the instructions their doctors provide for prescription medications. In fact, more than half of Americans in a recent study did not.
Using to Cope With Parental Deployment
Using alcohol or drugs during times of stress is the last thing a kid should be doing. But kids admitted to hitting the hard stuff when a parent was away on military deployment.