Mental HealthInfo Center
A Little TV Not That Bad
It's still not clear what kind of effects watching too much TV or playing video games can have on children. There are many different factors researchers have to consider.
Cold Sores, Ulcers and...Dementia?
A cold sore or a slight respiratory infection is just that, right? An uncomfortable health issue that clears up in a few days? But it may be more complicated than that.
Quit Smoking and Enjoy That New Hip
Total hip replacement and smoking cigarettes just don’t mix. That's because smoking can cramp the healing process. Even quitting just before surgery is better than not quitting at all.
The Consequences of Teen Abuse
The US has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates among developed nations. Understanding the risk factors for teen pregnancy might lead to effective prevention.
A Weak Link of Broken Hearts--EMBARGOED until 11:01pm CST on 3/23/13
The effects of a mother's body on her developing child are still mysterious in many ways. For example, the possible effects of emotional stress on a baby aren't totally understood.
Is Fasting the New Fat-Busting Fad?
It seems like weight loss trends change constantly – and there could be a new one on the horizon. However, with this new fad, the focus is not so much on what you eat, but on how long you don’t eat.
Don’t Let Cervical Cancer Get You Down
Kicking cervical cancer to the curb takes an emotional and physical toll. It may take a little time to figure out how to improve the quality of life for the first couple years after surgery.
Linking Poor Sleep and Alzheimer's
Poor sleep is linked to a wide range of possible ailments. However, it also works the other way around. Poor sleep can also be a sign that illness is contributing to the bad sleep.
Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Individuals with heart disease are already at a higher risk of death from their heart condition. But adding depression or anxiety – or both – to the mix can raise the stakes.
Beat Back Pain by Quitting Smoking
There are a lot of obvious reasons to quit smoking. But a lesser known reason to quit may be to help with back pain during treatment for spine issues.