Mental HealthInfo Center
Bipolar Disorder Haunted by Childhood
Bipolar disorder is not a mental disease you can "catch." But there are childhood experiences that could be related to how severe the condition is for those who have it.
Find Your Exercise Bliss
Everybody needs to exercise. But for some, social anxiety may be a barrier to exercise. There is an exercise activity out there for everyone. The key is finding what works for you.
Feeding Your Feelings the Wrong Way
Self-image affects a long line of behaviors for women when it comes to eating and diet. And unhealthy eating habits can be difficult to break.
OCD 20 Years Ago & Today
Back in the late 1980s, medications designed to manage OCD symptoms were tested in clinical trials. Now, participants from one of those trials have reported on life 20 years later.
Even Your Metabolism Knows When You Quit
The human body can begin repairing the damage caused by smoking as soon as a person quits, even later in life. It really is never too late to quit.
Outer Stress and the Inner Womb
Is it possible that the environment inside a woman's body may sometimes reflect what is going on in her life? How much could severe stress contribute to a stillbirth?
The Weight of Social Factors
Negative emotions related to body image can weigh heavy on one's heart, but could these factors actually be related to physical weight as well?
Genes Don’t Trigger Smoking Habits
Having genes linked to a smoking addiction does not predict a future smoker. Keeping cigarettes away from minors and supporting adults in quitting is what matters.
Trouble Coping Under the Knife
Having breast cancer surgery is tough for any woman. But recovering from surgery may be a little tougher for women who also have mental health issues.
Daredevils Don’t Need Vodka with Red Bull
Energy drinks are full of caffeine and sugar, which can pack quite a kick. But what happens if people drink energy drinks with alcohol? Do people get double buzzed and reckless?