Mental HealthInfo Center

Losing Sight & Feeling Hopeless
Partial vision loss can impact many daily activities. Coping with losing the ability to drive or read can take an emotional toll that may need treatment.
Alert on the Road with Caffeine
Falling asleep behind the wheel is scary. For commercial truck drivers, the long hours spent on the road can make it hard to stay alert.
Depression Can Sink a Failing Heart
Positive feelings can make a world of positive difference in a person’s health. For patients with failing hearts, however, negative feelings and depression can have the opposite effect.
Lifestyle Linked to RA
While the exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis remains unknown, scientists are getting a better idea of what puts people at risk for this painful disease. It seems lifestyle may have a lot to do with that risk.
Your Right To Breathe Healthy
You may feel a little timid to ask people not to smoke around you. But asking for your right to breathe fresh air could have an important impact on your health.
One Year Later, the Brain Can Still Hurt
One major hit to the head is all it takes. Trouble focusing, headaches, lightheadedness and other symptoms can stick around with patients who have a mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI).
When Mom or Dad Is in Prison
Having a parent in prison can mean hardships for the entire family. But those challenges may not go away when the parent is released. There may be long-term consequences for the kids.
Lower Income Tied to Less Knee Pain
The quality of care when getting a new knee shouldn't depend on patients' income. Treatment should be the same no matter who's under the knife. But lower income patients might feel better about their surgery than patients who earn more.
Urinary Tract Cancer Likes Heavy Smokers
Smoking cigarettes has been linked to a number of cancers and usually the risk for men and women are similar. But, with cancer in the urinary tract tissue, women seem to take the blow.
Stop the Party After Head Injury
Head injuries can come with an unpredictable recovery process. Coping with the physical and mental stress of a traumatic brain injury may lead to short-term substance abuse.