Mental HealthInfo Center

Being Warm Hearted: Good for Your Heart!
It's said that helping others can make you feel better. Now there is evidence that helping others might actually improve your physical health as well.
Five Treatments to Discuss With Your Doc
As people grow old, they often face increasing health issues. While certain treatments may be helpful to younger adults, the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) has recommended some treatments elderly patients may want to avoid.
Fewer Smokers… With a Few Exceptions
Americans are smoking less than they did in the early 1990s, thanks to a number of efforts. But there are still quite a few smokers among certain groups in the US.
A Family of Mental Health Disorders
Depression, autism and schizophrenia have very different symptoms. But new genetic research suggests that they may share a root cause.
Pets Help Kids with Autism Socialize
When walking the dog, it often seems easier to chat with strangers. Researchers thought animals might also help kids who had autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with their social skills.
Bad Reality: Eating Disorders on YouTube
If you search hard enough, the Internet has what you're looking for. But people with anorexia may not have to look too hard to find videos promoting their eating disorder.
Have A Drink, Not Four
Crossing the line between one or two drinks to three or four isn’t difficult, but it may not be healthy. Researchers have found that many people have been drinking too much.
Hormone and Mood Meds Don't Butt Heads
Hormones are often to blame when women's moods are swinging. With medicines to balance hormones and stabilize mood, new research suggests it's okay to combine the two.
A Tiny Risk for Narcolepsy?
One of the best ways to reduce risk of catching the flu is getting a flu shot. However, all vaccines carry some small risks. Researchers continue to look for possible evidence of these risks.
ADHD Meds May Be Heart Safe
Some patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be concerned that their medication may affect their heart health. So, researchers set out to see if taking ADHD medicine was linked to serious heart problems.