Mental HealthInfo Center
Teaching Kids Not to Use
Kids learn reading, writing and math in school. But it's rare that they're taught to cope with stress and peer pressure. Education could include these life skills to lower substance misuse and abuse.
Getting Older & Getting Happier
According to recent research, people may get happier as they age. But that sense of well-being may be tied to how tough life was while growing up. A good economy may influence later happiness.
Family Problems May Produce Chronic Health Issues
An unstable home could have all sorts of negative outcomes for children. For example, children living in an unstable home may be more likely to have chronic health problems later in life.
Is Drinking Related to Cancer?
Studies in the past have shown links between heavy drinking and cancer. Previous research has found drinking red wine fights cancer. But what about just drinking in general?
Good Children's TV Matters
It may be unavoidable for children to watch a lot of TV. But watching the right programs, with positive behaviors and less violence, can make a difference on kids' behavior.
Once ADHD, Always ADHD?
Early detection of ADHD is important for children. But what happens after diagnosis? Do the children improve? Does medication matter?
A Little Exercise Goes a Long Way
Bariatric surgery is an increasingly common treatment for obesity. After the surgery, however, healthy habits contribute to weight loss. They also contribute to positive mental health.
Childhood Experiences and Bipolar Health
Patients with bipolar disorder may develop other health issues. Events from childhood may help show who is at risk for these additional health problems.
Cali’s Tobacco Program Works
Smoking cessation programs aren’t cheap, but are they worth the investment? The answer is—absolutely. The years of health gained are worth far more than the cost of getting people to quit.
Safety First: Got To Be 21 to Drink
At 18 years of age, Americans are considered legal adults with rights and responsibilities. So why is 21 the legal drinking age? The tendency to binge drink may have something to do with it.