Mental HealthInfo Center

Helping Teens Realize: People Can Change
Teenagers aren't exactly known for their level-headedness. Some can develop patterns of hostility or aggression. But a simple lesson might help change those patterns.
When Mom and Dad Play Favorites
While most parents try to treat all their children with the same attention, some will play favorites. The child left in the cold may suffer emotionally, but so might the "favorite" child.
Are Alcoholism and Depression Linked?
We already know that heavy drinking can lead to depression, and that heavy depression can lead to drinking. But does that mean alcoholism and major depression are always linked?
HIV Patients Need Friendly Health Care
Sticking to a prescribed treatment plan is key for HIV maintenance, but many patients find it hard to get into the swing of things. Doctors and pharmacists may be able to help with the transition.
Does It Get Better? Kind of
Gay and lesbian role models often tell gay and lesbian youth that it gets better as you get older. Is it true? Well, there's good news and bad news.
Violence In & Out of Relationships
Loving and being loved has nothing to do with violence. But physical and sexual violence in intimate relationships is still very common. 
Pill-Popping Epidemic in NYC
The word “epidemic” is being used to describe the rising number of prescription painkiller overdoses - perhaps rightfully so, as painkiller overdoses have crept into the top 10 causes of death.
When High School Really IS Depressing
There is no shortage of teenagers who will tell you their high school is a depressing place. But some of them may be on to something.
Where There's Smoke There's Worse Asthma
One of the worst things a person with asthma can do is smoke, or even be around tobacco smoke. Fortunately, fewer asthmatic kids are smoking or are around secondhand smoke.
Would You Like a Piña Colada?
It’s no secret that compatibility is an important part of any successful marriage. Is compatibility also important when it comes to drinking? Spouses who share similar drinking habits may get along better.