Mental HealthInfo Center
World Crises Trigger More Heart Attacks
When this world starts to get you down, it could be increasing your risk of heart attack. New studies have found that hurricanes, war and economic crises may be bad for the heart.
Breathing Heavy
Overweight or obese people undergoing a lung transplant may have increased risk for complications. Lung donors that smoked can hurt the odds too, but don’t refuse their lungs so quickly.
Binge Drinking: A Global Issue
Having a glass of wine with dinner is not the same as throwing back five rounds in one night. Across the globe, many people don’t drink, but those who do may be drinking too much.
Shining a Light on Postpartum Depression
The birth of a new baby is often a joyful time in a mother's life. But the experience can also come with anxiety and depression. These conditions should be addressed.
Weight Gain Vs. Continued Smoking
Among smokers, a common reason to not quit is the fear of gaining weight. While weight gain is a serious concern, continuing to smoke is a greater concern.
Activity for the Mind and Body
An active body can keep the mind active. And an active mind stays on top of its game no matter how much a person weighs.
Looking for Risk Factors in Brain Injury
About 10 million people experience a mild traumatic brain injury across the world each year. Understanding risk factors for these injuries may help with prevention.
Calling in the Cavalry for Depression Treatment
One of the most common ways to treat depression is through medication. When the standard medications don't help, doctors may prescribe different or stronger medications. Do they help?
Safety Gear Doesn’t Stop Concussions
Helmets and mouth guards do a lot to protect the head from injury. How well the equipment protects against concussion is another story.
Give Kids a Brain Boost with Exercise
Ever heard someone tell you that a particularly rambunctious child simply needs more exercise? Well, there may be something to that after all – for people of all ages.