Mental HealthInfo Center

Worrying Your Way to a Heart Attack?
People with depressive symptoms have an increased risk of heart attacks and developing heart disease. For those who already have heart problems, stress and depression can worsen their health.
Being On the Down Low May Not Help
Bisexual men often hide their sexual orientation more often than gay men, according to research. They also tend to have poorer mental health. Is there a connection between the two?
Smoking? Lying Around? Bad For Your Heart!
Having heart disease and depression can increase the risk of heart attacks and death. Research suggests that up to 40 percent of heart disease patients experience depressive symptoms.
Drugs & Alcohol Lead to Dead Ends
What role do drugs and alcohol play in homicide and suicide deaths? Are men and women at different risks for drug or alcohol involvement with a violent death?
Junior Seau Suffered Brain Disease
Star NFL linebacker Junior Seau's suicide last year stunned the nation. Now scientists have found he suffered from a brain disease probably caused by a career of hits to his head.
Depression After Youth Cancer Battle
Does having cancer while growing up increase the odds of depression later in life? If so, there’s no shame in reaching out for help with mental health issues.
Keep Your Mind Sharp: Aprender Español!
Being able to speak two languages has all sorts of benefits. A possible long-term benefit may be surprising, though. You might end up sharper in old age.
Watch Your Booze Ladies
There is a world of difference between having a cocktail and binging drinking. The body was not designed to process excessive alcohol in short periods of time. Specifcally with women.
Sex, Drugs and Parkinson’s
Impulse control is not easy, especially for those with Parkinson’s disease. Recent research has suggested that excessive gambling, shopping, eating and sexuality are symptoms of the disease medication, not the disease itself.
Breathe Easy, At Least On-Campus
Smoking affects everyone in the vicinity. So, when clusters of students and teachers light up after class, everyone on campus has to put up with secondhand smoke. Is that fair?