Mental HealthInfo Center
A Weak Heart, a Broken Heart
The mind-body connection is more than just the fact that your mind exists within your body. Researchers are discovering more every day about how the two interact.
Ancient Practice Brings New Energy to Cancer Patients
Fatigue can be part of the new normal for breast cancer survivors. An ancient practice may help to bring these ladies new energy.
Making Mind Over Matter Work For You
Wouldn't it be nice to flush negative thoughts down the toilet – and keep them there? Or to carry happy thoughts around in your purse to help you remember them? Both may actually work.
No-Brainer to Exercise
It's wintertime and time to be out of school. Kids and adults alike don't need to be hitting the books to keep their minds sharp over the holidays.
This Is Your Brain on Sleep Apnea
Sleep problems should be taken seriously because they can lead to so many other health conditions. But these disorders appear to act differently in women and in men.
A Link Between Smoking and Bacteria
The dangers of secondhand smoke for children can often show up in unexpected ways. Even some bacterial illnesses can pose a higher risk to children if they're around secondhand smoke.
Making New Year’s Resolutions Stick
Every year people make New Year’s resolutions, and every year it’s a battle to stick with them. Plan ahead, set up a support network and use good coping tactics to stay the course.
Increase Popularity Through Kindness
Countless movies and books have focused on that elusive question for children and teens: How can I be more popular? One answer is surprisingly simple: Perform random acts of kindness.
How to Keep Strokes Away as You Age
As people approach old age, they have an increased risk of depression and stress. This can lead to physical strain on the body. It can also put them in the express lane for diseases.
Some Mental Illness may Hinder Work
Depression may get in the way of a person’s ability to work. A recent study asked people with depression about their work history.