Mental HealthInfo Center

At Risk for Stroke?
Taking any medication requires patients to balance the risks and benefits of the drug. But these vary by person because every person is unique. Antidepressants, for example, affect different people in different ways.
Evaluating Sexual Addiction
Is hypersexual behavior a symptom of another mental health condition or a disorder in and of itself? The psychiatric community may have developed the necessary test to distinguish.
PAP Helps Blood Pressure Blues
When snoring indicates someone has sleep apnea, it's more than annoying. It can be harmful to your health — especially if you already have high blood pressure.
Binge Drinking Brains
Is it better to drink alcohol frequently in smaller amounts or on occasion in larger amounts? Can binge drinking actually change how the brain functions?
Mom's Response to Abuse at Home
Domestic violence is a complex issue; it not only affects people physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.
Can Alzheimer’s Disease Be Prevented?
The number of people with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is expected to rise. There are no treatments to prevent AD. A trial is planned to see if drugs may be able to stop the onset of AD.
Tame Your Tension
Is stress making it hard for you to sleep? Poor sleep can contribute to all sorts of health problems. Reducing stress with relaxation might help sleeping problems as well.
The Lasting Effects of Childhood ADHD
A child diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may face difficulty learning, but what is the quality of life for these children years later? As adults, they may face even greater challenges.
Caring for Caregivers
Caring for a loved one with dementia can be hard. Caregiver support and training may be a good way for caregivers to take care of themselves.
In the Cancer Game Quitters Are Winners
Why bother quitting smoking if you already have lung cancer? A recent report claims that patients can benefit from stopping even in the later stages of the disease.