Mental HealthInfo Center
Skinny Genes
The media has been taking all the blame for the existence of anorexia, but genetics may play a role as well. This discovery could influence anorexia treatment plans in the future.
Baby Language Linked to Mom’s Mood
One of the concerns about taking antidepressants while pregnant is the possible effects on the baby. Surprisingly, these medications may help a baby's language development.
Bad News Increases Sensitivity to Stress
The news is full of stories of the bad things that people do. Have you ever wondered how this news can affect your emotions? It may create a heightened susceptibility to stress, but only in women.
Have You Been Screened for Depression?
Everyone has their good and bad days. But when the bad days are significantly outnumbering the good ones, how do you know if it might be depression? You seek help to find out.
Homeless Youth Interventions
When homeless youths use drugs and alcohol—they are at much higher risks for associated health problems. Nurse-led interventions may be a cost-effective way to encourage sobriety.
Cold Turkey After Birth
Quitting smoking during pregnancy is thankfully becoming more common. But a lot of new moms go back to smoking within a year of giving birth. This is still dangerous for the baby!
One Fish, Two Fish, Go Low-Mercury Fish
One of the foods pregnant women need to watch out for is fish. They are advised to avoid fish with too much mercury. But eating fish with lower mercury levels might be a good idea.
Know Thy Neighbor… and His Parents
Teenagers' parents can make a difference in whether their kids drink, smoke or use marijuana, based on past research. But the parents of teens' friends play a part too.
R-Rating For Smoking?
Movie ratings help people make informed decisions about exposing minors to language, violence, sex and other adult themes. What about smoking?
Kids With Autism May Wander Off
Parents often report that their kids with autism will wander off and into dangerous situations, but little research has looked at this behavior.