Mental HealthInfo Center

Fight the Urge to Text At the Wheel
Everyone's done it. Red lights pretty much mean a quick sneaky peak at the cell phone. Maybe even shoot a text off real quick; it's always very tempting.
Comparing Therapies for Binge Eating
We all over-eat from time to time, but people with Binge-eating disorder (BED) do it so often that it can get in the way of daily life. A new study compared therapy and medication for BED.
Have Your Say on Alcohol Misuse
Do you have a good idea to help doctors address alcohol misuse during a routine visit? Voice your opinion on the U.S. Preventive Task Force Website before October 22, 2012.
Do Meds Work for Teens With Autism?
Autism can be treated with medications to help with some symptoms. Lots of studies have been done for children, but not much is known about how medications will help teens with autism.
Psychotic Symptoms Linked to Dementia
Psychotic symptoms, like hallucinations or paranoia, can show up in many ways. They can be part of other disorders or not. New research says they may be linked to dementia.
Opioid Safety With Health 2.0
There’s an app for everything these days! There’s even an app to help doctors prescribe opioids more safely. A doctor in Canada designed an iOS application to help doctors prescribe opioids  in a safer way.
Turn Off the Night Light to Feel Better?
City lights, computers, TVs, cell phones, night lights — we live in a world with plenty of dim light interrupting the darkness at night. This may not be good for our mental health.
The Abuse Is Past But Effects Linger
The impact of child abuse doesn't end when a child escapes an abusive environment. But knowing their future risks of health issues can help abused individuals seek treatment early.
First and Secondhand Smoke is Deadly
People who don’t smoke shouldn’t die from smoke, but it happens everyday. Secondhand smoke exposure is an unnecessary risk that takes over 40,000 lives per year.
"Alternative" Treatments for PTSD?
It certainly cannot hurt to meditate or practice relaxation therapy to try to deal with post traumatic stress syndrome. But is it an effective treatment method?