Mental HealthInfo Center
What Kangaroo Care Does for Your Preemie
Humans can learn a lot from kangaroos. In fact, they already have, at least when it comes to giving birth to tiny preemies.
Brain Injury's Long-Term Impact
In the one to two years after a child experiences traumatic brain injury, progress can be made in their function and quality of life. But improvement then appears to slow down.
Don't Fall on the Sword Before Your Time
There are only so many ways to reduce your risk of coming to an untimely end. But there is an easy way to avoid the number one cause of non-illness death: don't commit suicide.
Uncertainty and Depression After a Stroke
Depression is a common symptom among people who have strokes. Understanding their condition and what to expect might help with this depression.
Don't Choke Under Pressure
When the pressure's on, the mental aspect can be tough for competitors. But dealing with it may get easier as researchers have found a way to help athletes deal with pre-game stress before they begin play.
Dementia - the Caregiver’s Point-of-View
In a survey, caregivers said they often mistook some symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) as normal aging. They thought that the mistake delayed a diagnosis.
Secondhand Smoke and Your Unborn Baby
It's pretty well established that smoking while pregnant leads to various negative health effects for your child. But even being around cigarette smoke can affect your unborn baby.
Which Meditation Type is Right for You?
Meditation can take many forms, like prayer, yoga or mantras. It can have many health benefits, but which type of meditation is right for you?
Mood Kept In Order With Exercise
It's been well established that muscles get stronger and the heart gets pumping with exercise. And as far as dealing with emotions, exercise continues to help people keep calm and collected.
Myth Busters: Skinny Smokers
There’s this myth out there that smoking helps keep the weight off. But recent science may have just proved that myth completely wrong.