Mental HealthInfo Center
Depression, Insomnia and Your Heart
Management of high blood pressure is usually accomplished with medication and salt restriction. But treating depression or insomnia might help with the management of more difficult cases.
Is That Vein Going To Pop?
You may know someone who has been to anger management classes. Typically these people have a history of emotional instability, but should classes be limited to these people? You might benefit from these classes too.
Veterans at Risk
Veterans with substance abuse and posttraumatic stress have a higher risk of dying from both injury and health related issues. How can treatment programs address both issues at once?
Anti-Smoking Needs Constant Campaigns
Smoking habits or the lack thereof can be linked to anti-smoking campaigns. Tough economic times can slash prevention budgets. The fallout—a spike in smoking related health issues.
Which Kids Should Take Antipsychotics?
Some medications can be used to treat multiple conditions, especially in mental health. But drugs are also sometimes prescribed for conditions they aren't approved to treat.
This Is Your Child's Brain on Smoking
There are 101 reasons not to smoke while you're pregnant. But here is reason #102: there's some evidence it might change the way your child's brain works later on.
Is Your Teen in an Abusive Relationship?
More than a third of both young men and women in the U.S. experience some form of dating violence during adolescence. Some studies show up to 88 percent of young females are exposed.
Don't Let Confusion Take Over
It may seem normal for elderly people to become confused or forgetful, but this is not usually just "normal aging." Severe confusion can be an indication of delirium.
You Can't Play!
If you have ever worked with children, you have probably witnessed an upsetting incident of a group of children excluding a peer.
Knowing Stress Is Half the Battle
The rates of post traumatic stress disorder can vary significantly by nationality. More concerning are the rates of those with PTSD not receiving treatment.