Mental HealthInfo Center
Tons of Work? Don't Hesitate To Meditate!
In today's fast-paced world of email, social networking, instant messages and cell phones, it's no surprise multitasking can increase stress. One solution may be mindfulness meditation.
Alcohol, Drugs Don’t Impact Sperm Quality
Couples who face fertility problems should heed the latest fertility news: A man’s drinking and smoking habits and other lifestyle factors do not appear to be linked to a man’s swimming sperm count.
Don't Make Your Kids Smoke
The reasons to quit smoking keep adding up. If you're a parent who smokes, the secondhand smoke your children inhale may contribute to bladder problems.
Self-Starvation May Predict Suicide Attempt
People who starve themselves due to an imagined body flaw are likely to view suicide as less painful than the pain they already experience.
Emotional Stress Linked to Cancer Recurrence
Emotional stress and turmoil take a physical toll on our bodies as well. Stress and abuse have been linked to migraines, auto-immune syndromes, heart problems and now skin cancer.
Teen Drinking & Driving - Dumb!
Teen drinking and driving is a major public health concern. The fear of consequences does seem to motivate teens to behave. However, over the last 10 years, teen drinking and driving rates has notably decreased.
Quitlines for Smoking Can Help With Drinking
Smoking 'quitlines' are a cost-effective, easy to access tool to help people quit smoking. Researchers are proposing that quitlines can also help smokers with hazardous drinking habits as well.
Are There Other Symptoms of PTSD?
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is known to cause emotional numbing, sleep problems and hyperarousal. Now it is believed that PTSD may have additional symptoms as well.
International Soccer Players & Painkillers
Professional soccer players all over the world are overusing and abusing painkillers to stay on the field. Long-term health consequences of the abuse of painkillers are cause for growing concern among doctors.
Parental Conflicts Create Child’s Problems
A child’s first glimpse of the world is through his or her parents. These early experiences will significantly shape who he or she become later in life, and marital problems may have long lasting negative effects.