Mental HealthInfo Center
Good Sleep Helps Keep a Heart Healthy
Obstructive sleep apnea is already known to increase the risk of cardiovascular problems in men, but women appear to be at risk of heart attack if they have sleep apnea as well.
“Exergames” Better than Exercise
Videogames tend to get a bad rap because of all the couch time they require. However, recent research demonstrates that some provide more holistic benefits than typical exercising.
Antidepressants Increase Hypertension Risks
Several research teams have focused on the effects of antidepressants taken while pregnant. A new study suggests medications taken during pregnancy may increase the risk of a pulmonary disease in newborns.
Americans Seek Therapy Frequently
A cross-cultural comparison of drinking habits yields unsavory results for the United States. Americans may drink more often, but do seek help.
Immigrants may Develop Woes Later on
Immigrating to a new country is never easy. For some young children, immigration increases the risk of severe mental problems later.
Eat Mindfully at Your Favorite Haunts
Avoiding restaurants because of your diet? A new study says you may not have to if you make smart, "mindful" choices.
Whole Foods and ADHD
As another year begins, individuals starting a new diet may be interested to know that the food they consume affects more than just their waistline.
For Women, Sex is Like Fine Wine
Women may not have as much sexual desire once they're well past middle age, but they are still enjoying it - and their sexual satisfaction improves as they age.
Treating Dementia Differently
Comorbidity within disease can cause a variety of issues in terms of symptoms and treatment, and a new study looks into its effects on patients with Down's syndrome.
The Autistic Gut
Parents of autistic children frequently hear about the torment of gastrointestinal problems within their children, and new research sheds insight into what’s really going on.