Mental HealthInfo Center
Social Stigma Silences Smokers
Your doctor may be your best friend when it comes to quitting smoking. Unfortunately, there are still smokers who do not confide in their doctors and seek help in quitting.
Calories For Fat, Protein For Lean Mass
Eating too much - but not enough protein - might mean you'll weigh less than heavy protein eaters, but you'll likely be carrying around a higher percentage of fat.
Brain Drain Begins in 40s
While past research suggests mental decline begins around retirement, recent research demonstrates cognitive degradation occurs as early as forty-five years old.
Distress Released with Blogging
Teens suffering from social anxiety may have a trendy means of therapy available right at their fingertips, a new study infers.
Do Downward Dog for Better Downtime
If menopause is keeping you up at night, consider using part of your days for yoga sequences that a study has shown will help reduce that insomnia.
Playtime Aids Classroom Success
Recent research highlights the importance of keeping physical education classes. The research shows physical activity enables children to perform better in class.
Schools For Autism Deliver Benefits
When parents of autistic children begin conversations about schooling, studies suggest tailoring learning processes to the disease yield more beneficial results for patients with autism spectrum disorders ( ASD ).
Sub-type Determines Sleep
In everyday life it is easy to notice the differences between individual human beings. New research sheds light on the unique effects of depression between each individual.
Depressing Inheritance
Most researchers believe environmental triggers may affect depression. There is new research suggesting a biological pre-disposition is found in your genes.
Early Brain Changes in Mental Health
The daily life of psychosis patients varies greatly from your average"Joe". Looking into the brain begins to shed light on why we are all so different.