Mental HealthInfo Center

Sleep and ADHD
After a night of fitful sleep concentration isn’t always the easiest. In a recent study researchers looked at the relationship between Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and impaired sleep. 
Learning to Think Yourself Happy
It is often said that happiness is a state of mind, or a choice. But for those battling depression, it is not as simple as making up your mind to be happy.
Dementia Hospitalizations Increasing
Even though the the rapidly growing over 85 age group represents only 2 percent of the U.S. population, they represent 40 percent of all hospitalizations associated with dementia.
Schizophrenia Signs Before Birth
With approximately 2.5 billion chances for diversity in our human genome, there is a lot of science going into our individual differences.  
Twin Study Shows Smoking is Genetic
Twins share many things and that may even include bad habits. A new study involving twins discovered that smoking may be genetically influenced.
Hold Off On That Sugar Rush
You know the feeling: it's the afternoon slump, and that soda or candy bar is just the ticket to give you that sugar rush for an extra burst of energy and alertness.
Autistic Odds Increase Over Time
Many past studies have asserted a suspicion that with advancing age come health risks in offspring. A recent study confirms older gentlemen have a higher risk of reproducing autistic children than their more youthful peers. 
Low BMI May Contribute to Alzheimer's
Maintaining a weight that is overly thin can contribute to health problems in much the same way that being obese can. More recently a low body mass index has also been linked to early stages of Alzheimer's disease.
Studying a History in Harm
Self-injury is a cause of concern or fear among many people, especially family members, loved ones, and others who care for victims of self-injury. Doctors are aiming to alleviate those fears by assessing the history of this affliction from child to adulthood.
Soothing Anxiety with a Tale
Many mothers read fairy tales to calm their child to sleep, and now doctors recommend storytelling to pacify anxiety.