Mental HealthInfo Center

Blood Pressure a Harbinger of Brain Problems
More recently doctors have told patients that ambulatory blood pressure monitoring may be a more accurate predictor of high blood pressure. It also may be the best predictor of cognitive decline and small vessel brain disease among older individuals.
Using a Parent's Mental Health to Predict Suicide
Mental health disorders have become increasingly prevalent in our society, and suicide remains as a tragic end result of some untreated mental illnesses.  Researchers discovered an interesting connection between the two, its conclusions opening the doors for prevention.  
Being Thankful Can Make You Happier
Thanksgiving is traditionally the time to express gratitude for all we are thankful for in life. But this "attitude of gratitude" can also go a long way toward making you happier.
Stimulating the Brain to Fight Depression
For people who are severely depressed, new hope may be on the horizon. Many people who suffer from major depressive disorder are also highly treatment resistant.
Increased Drug Options for Mental Health
A cooperation agreement which has made national investing headlines may also bring good news for schizophrenia sufferers. 
A Preschool Intervention
Recent studies have shown symptoms of clinical depression arising as early as age three. Doctors have responded by creating a therapy that parents can use to help.
Post-Traumatic Sleep Disorders
Although one may understand the prevalence of horrifying dreams in our returning soldiers, the specific sleep disorders falling upon them seem to be unique to their own combat experience. 
Unmute A Child
So many parents anxiously await the day of their child's first words, and now, previously hopeless parents can start getting excited.
Smoking Gets Schooled
College is the first time many students are away from home. It can also be the first time they start smoking. A new study is looking for ways to prevent college smokers from becoming lifelong smokers.
Mutate Schizophrenically
While the mental health disorder schizophrenia debilitates millions of Americans, researchers begin to answer the age-old question of "how?"