Womens HealthInfo Center

Teen Pregnancy Lowest in 40 Years
Since their peak in the 1990s , teen pregnancies in the United States declined to their lowest level in nearly 40 years, in 2008.
Children Exposed to Chemotherapy Develop Normally
Pregnant women undergoing cancer therapy worry that the treatment will hurt their baby's health. But rest assured, chemotherapy does not put a growing baby at risk of health problems, reports a new study.
Transfusions After Birth Don't Help Much
Women who lose a lot of blood while giving birth may end up with acute postpartum anemia. A blood transfusion can help them feel a little less tired but may not be necessary.
Drugs Competing in Pregnant Moms
Women at risk for having a second preemie may be taking the only drug on the market to prevent early birth. If so, they should be cautious about taking other prescription medications.
Where Women Give Birth Matters
While C section rates are lower among women who deliver away from the hospital, there were significantly higher complications associated with women choosing to birth at home.
Surgery Before Birth Improves Outcomes
Caring for a child with spina bifida can be costly from emotional, psychological and financial perspectives. Having surgery before birth relieves at least one of these.
Divorcing a Problem
Divorce typically increases the odds either party will develop a drinking problem; however if there are already alcohol issues within the home it may do the exact opposite, research finds.
Like Brother, Like Sister
Women who give birth early to their first child can expect their second child to be smaller than average at birth - even if the next child arrives on time.
When to Schedule Your C Section
Women who have had one cesarean section and are planning another should aim for delivering after 39 weeks of pregnancy according to a new study.
Hispanic Women at Risk of Early Delivery
Pregnant women should watch for signs of early labor. And if you’re Hispanic, you should take extra care: A new study says that Hispanic-Americans are at greater risk of preterm delivery.