Womens HealthInfo Center

Hit Me With Your Best Shot
A vaccine to protect against herpes has shown some success for one strain of the virus, offering researchers hope that they're on the right path to a more comprehensive vaccine.
For Women, Sex is Like Fine Wine
Women may not have as much sexual desire once they're well past middle age, but they are still enjoying it - and their sexual satisfaction improves as they age.
Social Dynamics in the Home Matter
Although it may seem unnatural to discuss family issues to fix individual disorders, this practice recently helped patients recovering from anorexia nervosa.  
Thyroid Check for Prenatal Care?
More pregnant women may have low thyroid levels than doctors currently realize - over five times more than the currently accepted rate of two to three percent.
Ovulation May Raise Risk for Infection
Feeling sick? It may be due to your monthly cycle. Spanish and Austrian researchers studied the effects of the sex hormone estradiol (which triggers ovulation) in mice.
Do Downward Dog for Better Downtime
If menopause is keeping you up at night, consider using part of your days for yoga sequences that a study has shown will help reduce that insomnia.
Fighting Hormonal Migraine Misery
As if the usual monthly routine were not enough for women to deal with, some women are afflicted with what seems a random and heartless combination–menstruation and migraines.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Link with XMRV Questioned
Chronic fatigue syndrome ( CFS ) is a complex disorder that affects more than one million Americans. A couple of years ago, a study was released that claimed that XMRV (a gammaretrovirus ) was a contributing factor in developing CFS . But now, scientists say that is not the case.
Pregnancy after Kidney Transplant
Women with kidney disease or kidney failure often face fertility problems. If she is lucky enough to get a kidney transplant, a woman may improve her reproductive health. But is it still safe for her to get pregnant?
Does Exercise Beat All Types of Diabetes?
While exercise is key to preventing type 2 diabetes, it may not help women prevent diabetes during pregnancy. Even if that is the case, exercise can still provide many benefits to pregnant women.