Health News
A Cup of Coffee May Improve Memory
While a cup of coffee can give you an extra boost of energy to power through your day, it may provide a memory boost as well.

Worst Things To Do While Pregnant
Pregnancy is an exciting time for expecting families, however there are some things that should be avoided to promote healthy development.

How to Be a Healthy Role Model for Children
Follow these simple tips to be a healthy role model for your children.
A Good Dose of Vitamin D
One of the goals of good prenatal care is to ensure babies get all the nutrients they need as they develop in the womb. Woman may take certain supplements to achieve this goal.
Understanding How Preemies Grow
Sometimes babies arrive earlier than expected. They may also arrive a lot smaller than expected. What does this mean for their development?
Study Linked Tylenol to Developmental Problems
Acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, is the most popular over-the-counter medication in America. At least one recent study has suggested that pregnant mothers may want to consider an alternative.
Low Birth Weight Babies Living Normal Lives
Babies born very early or with very low birth weights — only a couple pounds — are known to have a higher likelihood of disability. But they may be just fine over the long term.
Many Girls May Be Reaching Puberty Earlier
It might seem as though young girls are growing up faster than ever these days. But there may be some truth in that beyond just casual observations.
Spank 'Em, Ground 'Em or Time Out?
Using spanking for discipline with preschoolers is still a very common practice. But how, if at all, does it affect kids later on? A recent study found that there are some negative long-term effects, depending on who does the spanking and when.
Early Bloomers Smoking and Drinking Before Peers
Puberty is an important milestone on the road to growing up. But hitting puberty early may lead some kids to try adult substances earlier than other kids.