Health News
Preventive Care Lacking for US Kids
Preventing illness in children is often much easier than treating a disease. But new reports warned that many US kids may not be getting full preventive care.
At-Risk Youth May Benefit From Music Training
Childhood is a rapid period of development for the brain. Music lessons may be one way to support brain growth — especially in underserved youth.
Sleepy Teens Could Face Serious Health Problems
Staying up late, watching TV at night and drinking coffee may not seem like dangerous activities, but they can seriously harm adolescents' health.
Singing May Enhance Benefits of Skin-to-Skin Therapy
Lullabies are a quick and simple way to comfort newborn babies. And they may also enhance the benefits of skin-to-skin therapy.
Back-to-School Health
Parents around the country are gearing up to take their kids back to school for a new year. Make sure they're healthy when the learning begins.
Child Development and Behavior Connected
Young children who have delays in learning and development might face multiple obstacles as they grow, including behavior difficulties.
Music Training May Boost Brain Function
Many parents cringe when their children first take up the trombone and practice in the house. But band class could be boosting their kids' brain function.
World Breastfeeding Week Promotes Nursing
Breastfeeding can offer a number of benefits to mother and child, such as a reduced risk of diabetes and asthma. The World Health Organization (WHO) tries to promote those benefits each year with World Breastfeeding Week.

Myths and Facts About Pregnancy
It seems like there’s an endless supply of advice for mothers-to-be, from the well-meaning stranger at the store to your mother-in-law. Some myths may be harmless, but others could put you and your baby at risk. Learning what is myth and what is fact about pregnancy helps you know what you should really be worrying about and when you can relax.
Most Kids Eat Fruits and Vegetables Every Day
Many parents may face the age-old struggle of convincing their kids to eat fruits and vegetables. But a new study suggests kids are more willing to eat these foods than parents might think.