Health News
Beefed up Rules Against Foodborne Illness
Heading into 2012, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is unveiling new strategies aimed at protecting consumers from foodborne illness by adding new rules to safeguard beef.
Get Vaccinated, Stop the Spread of Hep B
There are a great deal of complications associated with diabetes. In order to prevent these complications, patients have to take special care of themselves, whether that means eating healthier or getting vaccinated.
Ladies First - and Only - For HPV Shot?
Parents and policymakers confounded by the best practices for reducing HPV transmission could look to mathematical models to determine a good vaccination strategy for the sexually transmitted infection.
Sepsis May Bring on Immune Dysfunction
For patients, a diagnosis of sepsis, a potentially deadly bloodstream infection, may be frightening enough. Those individuals may also be at risk of immune system impairment.
Depression Concerns for Acute Lung Injury Patients
Acute lung injury (ALI) not only affects a person's physical ability but also affects their mental state. Depression is a serious concern for ALI patients and should be treated early.
Tyson Recalls Contaminated Beef
Tyson Fresh Meats has recalled nearly 41,000 pounds of ground beef in 16 states believed to be contaminated with E. coli, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has announced.
The Re-admission Dilemma
Certain regions of the U.S. suffer from high hospital readmission rates. Interestingly, that elevated number may have less to do with poor care or more severe illnesses.
Cranberry Juice Helps Treat Kids' UTIs
A urinary tract infection ( UTI ) can be painful and annoying, especially for children. Here’s a tip: You may be able to treat repeat UTIs more quickly by giving your child a glass of cranberry juice a day, reports a recent study.
Statins May Help Reduce Influenza Deaths
Flu shots or anti-viral drugs are used to treat influenza, but there may be another possible treatment. Cholesterol-reducing drugs may help reduce deaths in patients hospitalized with the flu.
Lung Transplants Are Happening Outside the Body
Lungs belong in the body, right? A new technique to prepare donor lungs for transplant could not only improve transplant success but can also increase the number of available lungs.