Health News

The Social Stigma of HIV
For women living with HIV, the disease isn't the only burden they have to cope with. They also have to deal with the stigma of being infected.
Why Wash Your Reusable Bags?
You're being environmentally conscious, and taking your reusable grocery bags to pack up your food at the store. But do you know how to clean them?
HIV and Cancer Risk
If you have HIV, you should already be very cautious about your health. According to a new study, HIV puts you at higher risk for cancer. But you have some control: Lifestyle choices also contribute to risk.
STD Rates Still Rising in U.S.
If you're sexually active with multiple partners, listen up: More Americans are picking up sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). However, fewer people are infected with syphilis.
Simple Solution to Reducing Pneumonia Worldwide
Cooking over a wood fire is a common practice around the world. A new study shows that by reducing wood smoke inhalation, severe pneumonia was reduced in children.
Smoke-Inhalation a Major Concern for Burn Patients
Burn patients have more to worry about than just what's on the outside. A new study shows the impact of smoke inhalation on burn patients.
Love Your Mate, Not AIDS
If your long-term partner has HIV, you're at a high risk for infection. But medical research is creating options to safeguard yourself and your partner against transmitting the virus.
Don't Catch a Cold After Heart Surgery
Prior to heart surgery, many patients are concerned that there could be complications such as infection from the deep incision. Pneumonia is actually the most common serious infection after a cardiac operation.
Stopping HIV on Contact
Last year, there was fanfare in the HIV/AIDS community when scientists created a vaginal gel to prevent HIV infection. Now, a group of researchers is making headway with a rectal gel.
Protecting HIV Patients From Tuberculosis
People with HIV/AIDS are living longer lives now, but they still have compromised immune systems. Patients and their doctors need to be wary of secondary infections.