Health News

How Best to Prevent and Treat the Common Cold
Colds are one of the most common illnesses among both children and adults. What are the best ways to prevent and treat the common cold?
Diabetes Tops List of Latino Health Concerns
Latinos are at a particularly high risk of developing diabetes, and it seems the condition is a large concern for this group.
Wanted: A Child
For those who desperately want to have a child, it can be a long and emotional journey to try to get pregnant. Yet a wide range of infertility services exist.
Something Fishy for Your Brain
If you're not a big fish eater, you may be missing out — or at least your brain might be missing out on a helpful nutrient found in fish oil.
Young Cancer Patients Coped Better With Creativity
Cancer treatments can often be emotionally exhausting. Creativity may help young patients cope by expressing thoughts and emotions about their condition.
Following Heart Procedure, Kidneys May Be Injured
For over 20 years, coronary angioplasty has been used to open narrowed arteries and improve blood flow. The procedure, however, can cause complications, including harm to the kidneys.
Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment May Boost Breast Cancer Risks
The vast majority of children who develop Hodgkin lymphoma beat the blood cancer after treatment, which includes powerful radiation. A new study looked at how that therapy affected young patients later in life.
Flu Shot Could Keep Diabetes Patients Out of Hospital
With flu season underway, people with diabetes may want to take extra care. Diabetes patients face a high risk of flu-related health complications. An annual flu shot, however, may help.
Adding Avastin Improved Cervical Cancer Survival
Pap smears have dramatically reduced cervical cancer rates in the US, but this cancer remains a huge problem for women around the world. A new study found a way to help cervical cancer patients live longer.
Number of Years with Arthritis Not Tied to Heart Troubles
Inflammation in arthritis clearly causes joint pain, but it has been tied to heart troubles too. A new study explored if more time with arthritis might affect the risk for heart issues.