Health News

New Criteria for Autism May Mean Fewer Diagnoses
The way in which diseases are diagnosed can change, as was recently the case with autism. And these new changes in diagnostic criteria could change how many children are diagnosed with autism.
Benefits of Cholesterol Rx Outweighed Diabetes Risk
Deciding how to treat a condition like high cholesterol can be tough, especially when some treatment options have been tied to an increased risk of other health problems.
Fever-Reducing Medications May Spread the Flu
When people start to run a fever from the flu, they often turn to medications like ibuprofen to bring the fever down. But it seems this common strategy might be dangerous.
Poor Sleep Quality And Mental Health Are Predictors of Insomnia
Many people have insomnia symptoms from time to time, but who's at risk for persistent insomnia? That's a question researchers recently set out to answer.
Home Blood Pressure Readings “Unmask” Heart Risks
High blood pressure can be a “masked” villain. Readings at a clinic may show normal blood pressure levels, while home readings may give a more accurate view of cardiovascular health.
Sitting Can Kill: Exercise Can Reduce Heart Failure
While sitting may not seem harmful, a sedentary lifestyle may raise the risk of heart disease and premature death. Inactivity may also increase the chances of heart failure in men.
Rate of Blindness Caused by Glaucoma Greatly Improved
Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness around the world, but one new study shows how much improvement has been made, and how much more needs to be made.
Mediterranean Diet Might Be Good for Arteries
Could consuming the healthy fats, fish and perhaps even red wine of the Mediterranean diet help prevent a certain artery disease? Maybe so, according to a new study.
Possible Diabetes Protection in Chocolate, Tea and Berries
Enjoying a hot cup of tea with some chocolate and raspberries may do more than satisfy a sweet tooth; it also may help lower one’s risk of developing diabetes.
Vitamin D May Stall MS Progression
Vitamin D is a powerful nutrient. In addition to aiding our bones, vitamin D helps reduce inflammation and keeps the immune system strong. It may even help stall a chronic disease.