Health News

Heads Up for Girl Soccer Players
Football isn't the only sport where concussions might  frequently  occur. Soccer players can also experience concussions.
COPD Tied To Disability and Less Socializing
COPD is a condition that makes breathing more difficult, but it's presence could affect other areas of life, including risk for disability and even social engagement.
Understanding More About Kawasaki Disease
Sometimes it can be difficult to learn enough about diseases that are fairly rare. Kawasaki is one such disease, but doctors are learning more.
Where There's Smoke and Asthma
The hazards of secondhand smoke to children are already clear in medical research, but such exposure is especially a problem for children with asthma or wheezing.
Depression Rx Used for IBD Symptoms
Successful treatment of bowel inflammation in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis can still sometimes result in an irritated bowel. Help for these symptoms may come from an unlikely source.
Taking Steps Toward a Healthier Life
Getting enough physical activity each day is an important component to an overall healthy lifestyle. The earlier kids learn this habit, the more likely they will keep it up.
An Overview of Medicines to Treat Overactive Bladder
Having a sudden urge to urinate can strike women with overactive bladder (OAB) almost anytime. And while there are a number of lifestyle and muscular remedies, medications are taking a larger role in treating OAB.
A Closer Look at Cancer Risk for Lupus Patients
Lupus is a disease that can affect almost any area of the body, and a new review showed that the condition might also carry a greater risk for certain other diseases.
Fifty Years Later, Work Remains to Curb Smoking
Fifty years ago, the US Surgeon General first warned of the dangerous effects of smoking. On the anniversary of that announcement, the current Surgeon General has released new data.
New Guidelines for Fat Consumption
Updated nutritional guidelines recommend consuming 20 to 30 percent of your daily calories from fats. But the type of fat you eat can have a big impact on your health.