Health News

How Many Steps a Day Should Kids Take?
US guidelines for children's health call for at least an hour a day of physical activity. Another way to calculate that is steps per day. How many steps a day should kids be taking?
That Concussion Will Go Away
When an athlete suffers a concussion from a hard hit to the head, it can be difficult to predict how long that concussion will last. It seems several factors may be ruled out when it comes to predicting recovery time.
Looking Ahead for Childhood Meningitis
Not getting vaccines that protect against meningitis can leave a child vulnerable to catching the disease. But what is the long-term outlook for those who had meningitis as children?
Do I Have an Ectopic Pregnancy?
A life-threatening condition in women is an ectopic pregnancy. However, it can be difficult for a woman to know if she has become pregnant and that the embryo has not implanted in her uterus.
Dangers of Smoking After Surgery
After surgery, the body needs to focus on healing. Smoking may interfere with this healing process. People who smoke after surgery could be putting their bodies at serious risk for complications.
A Pregnancy Dilemma for a Medication?
Some medications are linked to disorders such as autism or to birth defects when taken during pregnancy. However, that risk must also be balanced against the medication's benefits.
Not Going by the Acne Label
Zits and pimples can make even the most confident of individuals conscious about their looks. Despite this, teens and young adults with acne might not take medicines for the condition as instructed.
More Views For Breast Cancer Screening
Mammography screenings for breast cancer remain controversial. The technology is famous for producing false positives (something suspicious which turns out to be nothing) and causing undue alarm.
Pattern to the Zit Madness
Zits, pimples and blackheads seem to appear randomly at the wrong place and at the wrong time for teens. But there may be a pattern to where the acne pops up.
Stroke Risk Starts at a Young Age
Residents of the southeastern “stroke belt” may begin developing a higher risk of stroke death at an early age. Healthy habits started as a teen may be key to lowering later stroke risk.