Health News

Targeting HER2 in Lung Cancer
You may have heard of HER2-positive breast cancer. You may not know that this gene can also play a role in lung cancer. And anti-HER2 medications may be useful in treating the world’s most common cancer.
The Challenges of Young Adult Asthma
With asthma, sometimes the simple act of breathing can be a real challenge. For young adults with asthma, the transition from living with parents to moving out on their own may present another challenge: maintaining access to asthma care.
Price of Fame at the Expense of Longer Life
Success and fame can come with a hefty price: living a shorter life. Researchers said fame and achievements in performance-related careers could come at the cost of a shorter life expectancy.
Finishing Off the Bigger Plate
Though the pen is mightier than the sword, knowledge is not mightier than the fork, especially when there's a lot of food on the plate.
A Spicy Dare Not Worth Taking
Truth or dare is an age-old game that will never wear out in childhood and adolescence. Often, the game involves harmless fun. But some dares should never be taken.
How Well Are Little Hearts Surviving?
The ability of doctors to care for newborns with birth defects continues to improve in the US. Babies who may have died from a serious defect decades ago are more likely to survive now.
Warts Love Family and Friends
Most of the public health prevention information related to skin warts relates to public places, like swimming pools. But are these really where warts are most commonly passed on?
Doc, Do You Wear Gloves?
Doctors already wash their hands regularly to prevent the spread of infections. Often, they wear gloves as well. But it may be even better if they wore gloves more often.
Your Child Is What You Eat
Parents may feel frustrated trying to help their obese teenagers control their weight. Restricting their food may seem like a good option, but it can backfire.
Stopping Joint Pain with NSAIDs
When joints start hurting again, individuals with osteoarthritis might not be sure what step to take first to stop the aching: take medicine, take a hot bath, or what?