Health News

Better to Toss the Tonsils First
Tonsils are located on either side of the back of throat. They are part of the immune system, but not critical for good health. Today, cancers found in the tonsils are the most common type of head and neck cancer.
Fast Beating Hearts Sound Trouble
Regular exercise can help lower your resting heart rate and keep your heart working efficiently. High resting rates may mean the heart is overworked and health problems may lie ahead.
Who's Happy with Knee Surgery?
While less than 5 percent of knee implant recipients go back under the knife for adjustments, certain patients are more unhappy with the results than others.
“Beet” High Blood Pressure
You probably know the phrase “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” It may be time to follow a new saying: “A cup of beet juice a day keeps the high blood pressure away.”
Pricking and Pulsing Tumors to Death
Cancer tumors are in the business of surviving and growing. And they’re pretty good at it. Their tenacity may be put to the test before too long with a novel therapy that pokes and pricks and pulses them into tumor heaven.
Race Matters with Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a serious condition that requires treatment regardless of a person's age, sex or race. However, the severity of the disorder can vary among people with different backgrounds.
The Languages of Skin Cancer Prevention
Hispanics don’t develop skin cancer at the same rate Caucasians do. But that doesn't mean Hispanics are immune from skin cancer. Practicing skin cancer prevention is important for everyone, regardless of culture or spoken language.
Unhealthy Cocktail After Stomach Surgery
When the weight won't come off, patients can consider surgery on their stomachs to shed the pounds. Though surgery can be helpful in losing weight, one procedure might have more risks than others when it comes to drinking alcohol.
Boston Disaster Distress Helpline Now Open
The Boston Marathon bombing was as disturbing as it was senseless. These horrible events are hard to make sense of and can cause lasting emotional turmoil. Counseling is just a free phone call away.
Bone Loss Rx May Slow Bone Growth
After menopause, many women need treatment for bone loss due to osteoporosis. But a medication that prevents bone loss may also have the side effect of inhibiting bone growth.