Health News

OTC Painkillers Aren’t Marathon Candy
Just because a painkiller can be bought over-the-counter doesn’t mean that it can't hurt the body. Marathon runners that take preventive painkillers may be at risk for bad reactions.
Preserving Breast Beauty After Cancer
Radiation therapy is commonly given after breast cancer surgery. The intense energy kills remaining cancer cells. The therapy can also change the look, feel and size of the treated breast.
Other Cancers After Skin Cancer
Skin cancers are far and away the most common form of cancer in the United States. More than two million Americans are diagnosed with some form of the disease each year.
See It, Maybe Eat It
Finding the calorie count on fast food and restaurant menus is easier now than ever before. But what if the menu also included the time it takes to burn those calories?
Prostate Cancer May Prefer Big Men
Obesity increases a person’s risk of a variety of cancers. This connection now appears to affect men who have been tested for and found not to have prostate cancer.
RA Rx for Dry Eye Solution
Dry eye disease isn’t just uncomfortable; in some cases the lack of moisture can lead to real damage and trouble seeing clearly. A new kind of eye drop may be on the way to help improve symptoms.
A Hot Cup of Joe Sharpens the Mind
There’s nothing quite like a nice cup of coffee in the morning to get the mind going. But it may be that males and females experience the benefits of a caffeine boost differently.
Vaccine Fears Shouldn’t Fray Your Nerves
Even though vaccines prevent disease, some people worry about the risks of the vaccines themselves. Fortunately, one risk people may be concerned about has been discounted.
What the Baby's Route Out Means
When a labor delivery involves life-threatening complications, women may require a cesarean section (C-section). Other women, though, might choose a C-section even when it's not medically necessary.
Tough on Cancer, Gentle on the Woman
Cervical cancer that’s caught early is very treatable and often curable. Treatment may include a combination of surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Two large studies have zeroed in on a particular type of radiotherapy.