Health News

Biking the Distance Minus Nose Troubles
Saving on gas and keeping the body active are a couple of benefits to biking to school and work. But riding alongside motorized traffic comes with its risks.
High Risk Rx Awareness
As many age, managing medications may become a part of everyday life. Chatting with a pharmacist or doctor about any potential risks involved with prescriptions can be helpful.
If You Breastfeed Past One Year…
Breastfeeding is recommended for at least the first year of a child's life by multiple health organizations. Women who breastfeed longer may wonder how that affects their child.
Birds of a Feather Vaccinate Together
Plenty of research has established the safety of vaccines and the low risks for serious side effects. Yet some parents still don't vaccinate their children. What influences their decisions?
Every Week for Baby Makes a Difference
It's already known that premature babies are at risk for developmental issues as they grow. But for babies born on time, how much difference does one or two weeks make?
Rock-a-Bye Preemie in the NICU
Parents sing lullabies to their children all across the world. For the littlest babies, though, lullabies and other musical sounds might do more than calm a baby's crying.
Military PTSD Outlasts Physical Pain
Serious injuries can leave marks on both the body and the mind. Combat veterans with leg and arm injuries may feel a mental health burden long after physical pain eases.
The Cheapest Drink is the Healthiest
One of the best substances in the world you can put into your body is usually the most accessible and cheapest: water. Yet many people often don't drink enough water.
Aches & Pains Higher in Smokers
Quitting smoking, may at the very least, ease chronic pain conditions. Even occasional smoking may still contribute to long-term pain in seniors.
These Shoes Were Made for Walking
When patients with knee osteoarthritis are walking, their knees may jut out to the side. Shoes that imitate barefoot walking can help with that.