Health News

Spreading Sarcoidosis Awareness
When you think of the most-well known medical conditions in the world, a disorder called sarcoidosis probably does not come to mind. That fact is one reason why the month of April is recognized as National Sarcoidosis Awareness month.
Slow and Steady Beats Heart Problems
There's little competition between walking and running when it comes to lowering the risk for major heart conditions: walking wins.
No Smoking in Many Psych Hospitals
Many psychiatric hospitals have started helping patients quit smoking, which is terrific. But the same hospitals may not be preparing patients to remain smoke-free when they go home.
Spray Away Dry Mouth
Dry mouth can go from uncomfortable to unbearable in a hurry. Certain medications can trigger dry mouth, but help may be found in the form of a plant-based spray.
Two Good Reasons to Get a Shingles Jab
Seeing the doctor to get a routine vaccine doesn't stop when you outgrow childhood. In fact, seniors over age 65 are encouraged to get the shingles vaccine – and for good reason.
Number of Bird Flu Cases Grows
Tensions are rising as reports of increasing numbers of bird flu cases in China continue to develop.
One Mineral May Lower Prostate Cancer Risk
Selenium is a trace mineral that helps prevent cell damage. Studies regarding this mineral have been inconclusive. But new research suggests selenium may have anti-cancer properties.
That's a Head Injury; This is Not
Veterans can identify the headaches, loss of consciousness and dizziness that characterize a mild brain injury. But a number of other symptoms unrelated to the injury incorrectly get caught up in the mix.
Movement Can Move the Cancer Risk Gauge
We wouldn’t be women without estrogen. The hormone controls our sexual features and our ability to carry children. This hormone also drives the most common forms of breast cancer.
Air Pollution and Childhood Cancers
Recently, diesel fumes were classified as cancer-causing agents. High exposure to diesel fumes is a risk factor for lung cancer. Now, traffic exhaust is being associated with childhood cancers.