Health News

Can Secondhand Smoke Hurt Kids' Kidneys?
Smoking can do more than damage your lungs and give you bad breath. It's also linked to kidney disease in adults – and possibly in children as well.
Somewhere, a TV Is On… So What?
Many studies have found links between screen time and obesity. But the key may not be related to just having the TV on. What if what matters is how much a kid actually pays attention?
How Often Should Your Kid Eat?
It would seem intuitive that the more often you eat, the more you eat. However, it doesn't always work out that way – children and teenagers included.
Heart Medication May Increase Cancer Risk
Problems with medications can be discovered years after they’ve been on the market. One very popular heart medicine that’s been around since 1985 may fall into this category.
Mind and Body Power For Older Adults
The power of the mind can do a number on the body. When elderly adults keep the body sharp as well, the brain can stay at its best.
Smoking Cessation Meds: Take Two
Quitting smoking can be tough, but it simply has to be done. Researchers keep looking at ways to help people quit for good, even if there are side effects involved.
More Mammograms for Seniors?
Mammograms to screen for breast cancer are no longer recommended for women over the age of 75. But there is new research suggesting that could be risky guidance.
Blood Test May Predict Lung Cancer Risk
Finding lung cancer at its earliest stages, when there is still the chance of a cure, is a problem. Regular CT scans can detect such cancers in older smokers who’ve smoked the equivalent of a pack a day for 30 years.
Brush it Off Today for a Better Future
Daily stressors are often unavoidable, but how they are handled is up to each and every person. How a person manages stress today may play a role in how he or she feels down the road.
Getting Tested For STD Knowledge
How much do you really know about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)? Is it enough to motivate you to get tested?