Health News

Less Salt, More Potassium for Heart Health
Put down that saltshaker—it could save your life. Growing evidence shows cutting back on salt consumption reduces blood pressure and, in turn, the risk of stroke and heart disease.
Less Mood Disorder, More Psychosis
Not every mental health disorder fits easily into a category. Some slide on a scale between two well-defined disorders.
Back to Work With a New Knee
Pain in the knees might make it difficult to work, especially if the job is labor intensive. Most patients who opt for surgery to get a new knee can certainly go back to the work.
Breast Cancer More Deadly in Certain Women
More black women die from breast cancer than white women each year. They also tend to be diagnosed with more aggressive forms of the disease. And clinicians blamed the higher death rates on these less treatable types of breast cancer.
Women Who Benefit Most From New HER2 Medication
In late February, the US Food and Drug Administration approved a new medication to treat HER2-positive breast cancer. The medication works by zeroing in on the HER2 proteins and then blasting them with a powerful chemotherapy agent.
Completely New Way to Treat Childhood Cancer
Scientists have entered a brave new world when it comes to treating childhood leukemia. New therapies now being tested may completely change the way one type of blood cancer is treated in children.
Teens Can Control the Major Cramps
Cramps are completely normal during a teenage girl's period. Severe cramps that occur at other times of the month could mean a more serious condition that needs treatment.
Lowering Hypertension is Not Easy
African Americans often develop high blood pressure at earlier ages than others. A common medication may be a solution to keep pressure under control.
Smoking Away a Healthy Smile
Of course good oral hygiene is key in preventing tooth loss, but other lifestyle factors are important too. Healthy teeth may reflect healthy lifestyle choices.
Bird Flu Cases Grow in Number
Could a new outbreak of bird flu be about to strike in China? More information is coming out about the illness.