Health News

Mortality Rates Up in Smaller Hospitals
Though hospitals are the place to receive care fast, smaller hospitals might not be keeping up with the bigger ones. It appears the quality of care delivered does vary between hospitals.
Early Smokers More Addicted
Twin research studies help scientists see the difference between genes and environment. With smoking, these studies highlight how addictive nicotine itself really can be.
Total Health Approach to Quitting Smoking
Quitting smoking is a difficult task. But quitters may find it easier to stay on task by making quitting a part of healthy lifestyle choices that include getting more exercise.
Aspirin: Right for Some, But Not for All
Many people take aspirin to ward off heart trouble. While it may help those with cardiovascular disease, it may not benefit those who are at low risk of heart trouble.
Skipping Chemo to Treat a Breast Cancer
Aggressive breast cancer requires aggressive treatment. The therapy for one menacing type of breast cancer – HER2-positive – almost always involves chemotherapy.  Maybe not for everyone, though.
Physician Group Recommends Against PSA Tests
If you’re a man – or a woman for that matter – you’re probably confused about cancer screenings. The recommendations for prostate cancer screenings have been all over the place.
More Months of Life with Colorectal Cancer
Once cancer has spread to another organ, treatment options become more limited. In a good news story, researchers may have found a way to help folks whose advanced colorectal cancer has spread to the liver.
Cheers to Living Longer after Cancer!
You may have heard that drinking alcohol increases a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. What about drinking after a breast cancer diagnosis? Does drinking before or after breast cancer affect a breast cancer survivor’s life expectancy?
What Difference Does School Lunch Make?
More and more research is pointing to children's access to food as a major influence on their nutrition and risk for obesity. School lunches are a big part of that access.
Playing Video Games to Get Healthier
Much attention has focused on the violence in video games and whether they can be a problem for kids' development. But the video games also may be used for good.